Start date 30 October 2006 End date 2 November 2006 Organiser(s) The Donkey Sanctuary Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences, Czech University of Life Sciences Country Ethiopia Presentations Principal health problems of donkeys in Dugda Bora district of Ethiopia Sarcoids: clinical epidemiology, principal effects and treatment responses A comprehensive approach to minimise the fatal effects of tetanus and colic in donkeys of Ethiopia Achievements of the donkey health and welfare project of The Donkey Sanctuary in Ethiopia (1994-2005) Behaviour of urban working donkeys and welfare issues: experiences from India Effect of modern drugs on the environment and the role of alternative medicine Gatrointestinal parasite burden, body condition and haematological values in equines in the humid tropical areas of Mexico Mainstreaming equine health and welfare - experiences of the donkey health and welfare project in Amhara, Ethiopia Normal donkey dental anatomy Prevalence of dental disorders in rural working equines of Mexico Seasonal variation of digestible energy requirements of mature donkeys in the UK The effect of pasture restriction on dry matter intake by foraging donkeys in the UK The extension and education methods implemented for sustaining the health and welfare of working donkeys in India Control of equine cyathostomins under the mid-lowland tropical weather condition of Ethiopia: a mathematical modelling approach Hyena bite: a potential threat to the lives of working donkeys in central Ethiopia