Our work in the UK
Learn more about our work across the United Kingdom
A farmer has been fined and banned from keeping donkeys and horses for 10 years after allowing the condition of a group of donkeys under his care to deteriorate to the point where two had to be put to sleep.
Foals are not always born frolicking into the world - and sadly, many who come into our care at The Donkey Sanctuary have to overcome huge hurdles. Discover three heart warming tales of foals who fought the odds.
Donkeys at our Sidmouth visitor centre are receiving an extra boost to their welfare and wellbeing thanks to an extension to their grazing opportunities at Slade House Farm.
An update on Timmy and Tommy, rescued from their horrific ordeal and given a new life in our care, all thanks to your support.
The Donkey Sanctuary celebrates big step in tackling donkey skin trade as the charity convinces eBay to ban ejiao products.
When rescuers heard a distant bray of a donkey on a welfare call-out, they weren’t prepared for what they were about to find.
Donkeys caught up in the skin trade have little hope - the skin of an expensive healthy animal generates the same profit as that of a diseased, poorly kept or weak animal, which means that traders often see no value in maintaining good welfare conditions.
Where we work
We work to ensure donkeys across the Americas are nurtured and well looked after, helping them form a vital part of local communities.