Discover the world of Donkey Assisted Activities and how they benefit both donkeys and humans.

What is Donkey Assisted Activities?

Donkey Assisted Activities (DAA) is the umbrella term used for the programmes run from our Sidmouth sanctuary. Donkey Assisted Activities are ground based activities that support the wellbeing and life skills of donkeys and humans, helping them to better deal with challenging and stressful situations in everyday life.

Our programmes have given us the means to offer our services to a vast client base while honouring the freedom of choice for the donkeys. We are all unique, and we encourage one another to celebrate our differences, and foster a community free of intolerance and discrimination, creating safe spaces for pause and reflection.

Donkey Assisted Activities can teach us how to read the language that donkeys use to communicate. It can teach us that our own behaviour affects others and how we can best adapt ourselves to situations to make others feel comfortable. Being able to read and respond to the body language of an animal builds skills in empathy, self-awareness, and communication.

Two donkey assisited activities staff with two donkeys
“We focus on raising the status of donkeys alongside the development of human wellbeing and life skills. These sentient animals can teach us so much about ourselves and our capacity for growth.”– DAA Programmes Manager
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Our work

All our sessions are informed by human-development and animal welfare research, and we continue to monitor the impact of our programmes on both donkeys and humans. By using surveys, accredited coaching models and behaviour assessments, we are confident that our work leads the way in research-supported approaches in the world of equine assisted activities

Our sessions recognise that there is both vulnerability and strength in all of us, given the circumstance or environment. We believe that time spent amongst donkeys and nature can provide everyone developmental opportunities and wellbeing benefits.

We hope that you have the opportunity to experience our programmes, or visit our resident herds, so that you too can benefit from the impact of opening your world to donkeys and the wellbeing that they can bring to your life.