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Gender pay gap report

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Gender pay gap report

The Donkey Sanctuary is committed to ensuring that we have access to people with the right talent and experience to deliver our goals, and that our people can continually develop their skills enabling them to have a fulfilling and rewarding career with us.

Our 2023 report

Gender pay reporting requirements were first introduced as part of the Equality Act 2010 and came into force in 2017. This legislation requires that all organisations within the UK, who employ 250 or more people, must publish their gender pay gap figures.

The defined gender pay gap metrics measure the difference between the average earnings of all females in the organisation and the average earnings of all males, irrespective of their seniority or role.

We take our culture, diversity and attitude towards inclusion in the workplace very seriously, and we are pleased to report our gender pay gap for 2023.

The pay gap

The Donkey Sanctuary’s gender pay gap data was collected on the snapshot date of 5 April 2023. At that point in time, there were 630 people within our UK workforce: 461 women and 169 men.

Our analysis shows that the difference between male and female earnings at the charity was 5% (mean) and 3% (median) based on hourly rates of pay. No bonus payments are made to any employees at The Donkey Sanctuary.

Our 3% median is significantly below the UK average median of 14.9% (ONS 2022).

The Donkey Sanctuary is proud that its female employees are well represented across all departments and salary bands. We have a strict policy of paying men and women equally for undertaking the same or equivalent role, and we evaluate all roles regularly and transparently, using a validated, market leading digital job-evaluation process.

Our findings

The gender pay gap is not the same as unequal pay, which arises when men and women receive different salaries for performing the same or similar work. We are continuously reviewing our salary and benefits at The Donkey Sanctuary and are therefore confident that the gender pay gap does not arise from remunerating men and women differently for performing equivalent roles.

Our research indicates that The Donkey Sanctuary’s gender pay gap is primarily the result of the roles that men and women choose to apply for, and the salaries that these roles attract.

Positive steps

Since April 2017, when we first published our gender pay gap data, The Donkey Sanctuary has made some very positive steps in addressing the levels of gender equality, and how talent and experience is rewarded within the organisation.

Many senior appointments have been awarded to female applicants, and we are proud to be an organisation where over half of our senior leaders are women.

We will regularly review our salary and benefits offer, to ensure it is competitive in order to attract and retain talent. We also remain committed to ensuring that all our employees are treated fairly and equitably.