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Dartanyan and Jump return home

Heading back to Shelter 6

The pair began their ‘mini break’ back in February and spent the majority of their time in Marquee Shelter, the former home of our miniature donkeys in the centre of the Sidmouth sanctuary.

One of our most recognisable donkeys, Dartanyan remains extremely popular with visitors, and over the past few months was still keen to greet people over the gate of his temporary home, perhaps to search out a back scratch.

Dartanyan the Poitou donkey being readied for his transfer back to Shelter 6.
Dartanyan the Poitou donkey being readied for his transfer back to Shelter 6.

The essential work at Shelter 6 included levelling out their play area and replacing the bark with better draining sand. New gates were installed to allow for easier access, while inside the shelter water troughs were moved to an area when they drain better, and drainage holes were added to help improve the stable area.

Maxine Carter, Slade House Farm Manager said: “Sand is more natural for the donkeys, and better for their hoof welfare too. We have seen a big improvement across our site, where we have changed the bark to sand. 

“We have also created a track system within their field, so they can forage the hedges and wander through the long grass at their leisure.

“Our teams from across the charity worked together to make sure we created the best environment for them, both inside and outside their stable. From grooms to property services, plumbers to painters, fabrication to vets, everyone played their part to help ensure they can enjoy their lives to the full.” 

Dartanyan and Jump back at Shelter 6.
Dartanyan and Jump back home.

Donkeys need a hardstanding area away from the wet ground, which is particularly important during the wetter winter months, and the work to improve drainage around their home will ensure Dartanyan and Jump have healthy hooves. 

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