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Whitby donkey ride operator receives lifetime ban

A multi-agency operation

The court heard how the RSPCA attended the location along with staff from The Donkey Sanctuary on 24 February last year following concerns about the welfare of a number of equines in her care.

RSPCA inspector Claire Little was greeted by the owner, who told her she had 13 donkeys, 11 ponies and one mule at the site. Many of the ponies were housed in a paddock, which had many hazards, while all the donkeys and mules, together with two ponies, were shut in overcrowded stables with little or no access to forage or water.

Inspector Little said: “It was apparent when looking at the various stables and sheds being used that there was no hay available for the animals and there was no water available to the animals that were inside the buildings.

“There were multiple donkeys seen in the barn/lean-to area at the rear of the stables. The ground appeared to comprise a thick layer of straw and faeces.

“There was a water butt outside that appeared to be collecting rainwater – this water was not available to the animals, which were seen to be straining to access it.

“There were three stables, all in a state of disrepair. All the doors were held together with rope/baler bind as bolts were either missing or unable to meet due to the bowing wooden doors and the accumulation of deep wet litter bedding.

“The stables contained multiple animals and were overcrowded. The equines had no access to dry areas to stand, as the stables were thick with the accumulation of dirty bedding and excrement. There was also no hardstanding in the lean-to area or field.”

Stable at Whitby filled with equines.
The ground appeared to comprise a thick layer of straw and faeces.

Inside the stables, the teams found several underweight donkeys. Their spines and pelvis’ were visible, while others had poor coats and lice and scabs visible on their bodies. Some also had health conditions such as lameness and dental issues. Others had very overgrown hooves, while some were suffering from a hoof infection known as thrush, so severe it was causing their feet to bleed.

Eight ponies in the field also appeared in poor condition. Despite the field being quite large, poor winter grass coverage and previous overgrazing meant supplementary forage was needed but not provided.

The owner told Inspector Little that she had struggled with veterinary care and farrier treatment as her business had been affected by Covid-19. This caused her to struggle financially, although a Go Fund Me fundraising initiative had previously raised £22,000 and said she still had some of that money but was trying to make it last.

The owner was offered relinquishment as an option to reduce the number of animals in her care and the related costs, but she declined the offer.

The RSPCA advised the owner that some of the equines would need veterinary and farrier care and gave them an opportunity to improve the care of the animals and their living conditions.

Between visits from the RSPCA, The Donkey Sanctuary made multiple attempts to engage with the owner, offering help, support, and guidance. But it soon became clear that the changes needed to improve the welfare of the equines were unsustainable, and further intervention was needed.

A return visit found that no improvements had been made, with no provision of hay or water for the stabled donkeys and ponies, so the RSPCA decided to investigate formally. The owner agreed to relinquish all the equines to the RSPCA and The Donkey Sanctuary during this formal visit.

The court heard how the RSPCA, The Donkey Sanctuary and World Horse Welfare had been involved with the defendant since 2016 on an ongoing basis to improve equine welfare.

In sentencing, the magistrates said the case did pass the custody threshold due to the longstanding neglect but suspended the sentence due to her age and failing health.

The owner’s solicitor added it was a sad end to a very long history of working with equines for over 60 years and that they had run a donkey ride business on her local beach for 30 years.

As well as the life ban on keeping animals, the owner was also given a 14-week prison sentence suspended for two years and ordered to pay £350 costs and a £128 victim surcharge.

The animals are now recovering well, the ponies are in the care of the RSPCA and the donkeys and mules are in the care of The Donkey Sanctuary.

Inspector Little added: “We often work with partner charities to tackle animal welfare issues, and we are so grateful to The Donkey Sanctuary for all their wonderful work and support in this matter. It is heartening to see how well the animals now look, and one went on to have a foal, which thankfully has been born into a life free from suffering.”

Hannah Bryer, Head of Welfare at The Donkey Sanctuary, says: “Owning donkeys and mules is an incredible privilege but one which comes with a responsibility to ensure they live healthy and enriched lives.

“In this case, the needs of donkeys and ponies far outstripped what the owner was able to provide for them. The situation was complex, and the welfare issues were further compounded by the large numbers of equines kept on a small site.

“Without this intervention, their suffering would have only continued. Thanks to our supporters, we have been able to provide all the donkeys and mules with a safe and secure future, either on our Rehoming Scheme or at one of our sanctuaries.”

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