It was a heartwarming moment for Ireland Donkey Welfare Adviser Ciara O'Kelly as she reunited with seven foals she helped rescue five years ago. 

On a cold, wet morning, Ciara journeyed to The Rock Paddock at our sanctuary in Liscarroll. This paddock is home to 17 rescued donkeys, including seven who were brought there as foals from the same challenging rescue coordinated by Ciara in January 2019.

Ciara recalls: “We were alerted about a group of donkeys enduring harsh cold conditions, without access to food or shelter and stuck in knee-deep mud. Our immediate concern was the foals as we didn’t think they would make the night.”

The foals were very timid and some were also suffering from rain scald. Their coats were in varying states of disarray and matting, with one donkey needing to have her whole body clipped to ease her discomfort. The group were severely underweight, with one weighing just 51 kg. 

Ciara continues: “Our devoted veterinary and farm team stood ready to care for the foals after they were voluntarily surrendered by the owner. We had prepared heat lamps and rugs to keep the animals warm.” 

Foals during their rescue
Foals after the rescue wearing rugs to keep warm
Donkey foal after rescue wearing a rug to keep warm
The donkey foals were found living in harsh cold conditions and were soon relinquished into our care, where they were provided with rugs and heat lamps to keep them warm.

Months filled with patient care passed. Grooms and vets worked hard with the group as they settled in and grew. The foals named Asher, Crowe, Faye, Karma, Killian, Luther and Vivette grew stronger and gained weight with each passing day. Each of the donkeys has become less timid thanks to the patience and understanding of their grooms.  

The group of seven became eight when another young abandoned donkey called Dante came into the care of the sanctuary. He was quickly accepted by the others and settled easily into his new life. Not long afterwards, the seven foals and their new young friend Dante went to live at our Liscarroll sanctuary. 

In the space of five years, Asher, Crowe, Faye and friends have continued to flourish thanks to the safe assurance of a lifetime of care and the kind support we receive, which makes heartwarming moments like this possible. 

Ciara reunites with the foals she resuced
Ireland Donkey Welfare Adviser Ciara O'Kelly reunites with the foals she rescued five years ago.
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