Will you be there to help pick up the pieces?

Molly and Maple's trust in humans has been nurtured by kindness, but there are still more donkeys out there who live everyday in constant fear. With your support, more donkeys in desperate need can begin their journeys to recovery.

Your support can be the difference in transforming a life.


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When we rescued two fearful donkeys in Cornwall called Molly and Maple, we couldn't have begun to imagine how much work it would take to pick up the pieces of their broken lives.

They were found living in a dirty, hazardous stable which posed a danger to their welfare. However, it was their severe wariness around humans that was even more heartbreaking to witness and would make their recovery so much more challenging.

Molly and Maple were a bag of nerves, too afraid to move and were flinching with fear when their rescuers came near.

With gentle reassurance, the pair were taken to our New Arrivals Unit in Devon and it quickly became apparent just how badly their lives had been broken by neglect and how much distrust they both held towards humans.

Molly and Maple before rescue
Maple (dark brown) and Molly (grey) were found in living in squalid conditions.
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Many nervous donkeys that we rescue would watch from a safe distance, or may even be brave enough to take a few inquisitive steps forwards. But not Molly and Maple. They didn't look at anyone or even acknowledge our presence. They didn't want to know us at all.

Their experience had left them withdrawn and scared, retreating to their own minds - their one place of safety and comfort where they could block out everything around them.

Molly and Maple needed expert love, care and time to heal their suffering.

Piecing Maple back together

Molly and Maple's mental wounds needed to be nurtured through routine, kindness and understanding.

Maple had endured prolonged trauma and had no reason to engage. We needed to give her a reason.

To help Maple overcome her nerves, one of our Equine Behaviourists Kerry Layton-Hill, created a special plan to rebuild Maple's broken confidence. This plan involved more than 100 small steps that gently guided Maple towards becoming the donkey she deserves to be.

These steps were written as a tailored 'shaping plan'. Kerry followed each step, allowing choice and control within Maple's own learning, and didn't rush.

By step 57, Kerry finally touched Maple's legs, with her remaining calm and comfortable. That was 92 days of small vital breakthroughs.

Changing Maple's behaviour and rebuilding her confidence has been a long process of patience, perseverance and gradual victories. Kerry spent another three months working towards the next goal - lifting Maple's hooves and picking out her feet. Now we are taking the next steps to ensure that she remains calm and comfortable when new people, such as a farrier, touch her hooves.

Kerry with maple
Equine Behaviourist Kerry with Maple.
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This is the reality of piecing back together a donkey who is broken by their past. There is more work to be done, but Maple's transformation has been remarkable and it's all down to your kindness.

Today, both Molly and Maple are flourishing in a larger group of donkeys at one of our sanctuary farms, where they mix with around 30 donkey friends every day. While they are surrounded by lots of new long-eared residents, the pair remain completely bonded to each other and they spend most of their time side by side, exploring their surroundings.

Will you help more donkeys receive specialist care to overcome their broken confidence?

It has taken many months of patience, empathy and compassion to help piece Molly and Maple’s shattered confidence back together. With your help, we can help rebuild the lives of more donkeys piece by piece before it's too late.

Please consider donating today and help give specialist behavioural care to donkeys whose lives have been broken by a lack of love and attention. While every penny is vital, please only give what you can afford.

Make a donation


£10 could help pay for a variety of food and treats for positive reinforcement training, helping donkeys like Maple remain relaxed during vet treatments.


£20 could go towards eliminating pain and discomfort, helping donkeys feel more comfortable before beginning their behaviour training.


£50 could help pay for an expert donkey behaviourist to transform the lives of rescue donkeys in fear, no matter how long it takes.
